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3 Ways Using SEO You Can Rank #1 On Google Today

Are you new to SEO and want to rank #1 on Google this upcoming month? Here are cool 3 SEO strategies that will highly boost your rankings!

Do you want to rank #1 on Google?

Well, I have to say it, it’s tough.

9 years ago it used to be easy, but now it’s hard.

And you know what?

Unless you read this whole article, you aren’t going to be able to rank #1 on Google. So, Hi everyone today I’m going to share with you can rank #1 on Google today.

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#1: Focus on Content

Google has this update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites who has just content on everything won’t do as well as sites which focus on one single niche and are super thorough. You want to be very thorough with your SEO content and fill them up, so then that way people are like.

#2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description

Have you ever done a Google search, and noticed that every time you do it, there’s a link at the top, and then there’s one sentence with a link is known as the title tag and the description beneath is known as the meta depiction.

Now think of it this way, if you search for the phrase online dating, and you don’t see the word online dating in either the title or the description, are you going to click on the result?

Well if you are, there’s something wrong, because why would you click on a result that isn’t related to what you are looking for?

Have you ever searched for a term like online dating on the internet? And have you ever noticed that the word isn’t in the title tag or the description tag?

That’s because Google tracks who’s clicking on what listing, and they have learned that when a keyword is in the listing, that same that you are searching for, they know

you are much more inclined to navigate.

So in your title tag and your meta description, ensure you incorporate the keyword. In any case, you can’t simply include the keyword, “web-based dating,” isn’t that so? The easiest way and what I would do and I wish it was this simple; I will just put “online dating, online dating…” But you can’t do this, it’s not the right way.

If I could put it 20 times in that post and that make my work easy, so people would know that the article is on online dating, I wish I would get more clicks.

But it’s not that simple as it looks like.

Yes, you have to include the keywords in your title tag and description tag, but it has to be appealing. If it doesn’t flow in a sentence, it’s not easy to read, and it’s not appealing then nobody is going to click through.

#3: Use Google Search Console

Did you know that Google gives you an absolutely free tool which teaches you how to rank #1 on Google?

Yes, I know you would be shocked after reading this and might sound ridiculous but it’s true. If you don’t use it then sign up fast

It doesn’t cost a Rupee. You are missing out if you are not using it.

I can’t emphasize you that enough. So now that you are using Google search console, give it a few days because it takes some time to populate data. You will see a screen which shows Search Analytics and Search Analytics shows you all the pages of your website which are getting traffic. But the awesome thing about Google Search Console is that it also shows you which articles are getting impressions and from which countries and cities, it even shows you the age group and gender of the user.

Take all those keywords on which you are getting impressions and add them to your copy.