According to the marketing agency Marketing Donut, only 2% of customers buy immediately, and the rest have to be "warmed up. But even in a small company it is difficult to keep track of how managers interact with each customer, as a result, some customers are simply lost... The solution can be competent sales reports. What, how and why - read about it in our article about CRM-analytics. You may also be interested in crm software for movers.
Three main types of reports
The analysis of sales reports allows you to evaluate the quality of your managers' work and identify problems in time, and also helps you forecast revenues, allocate budgets and resources. But how often do you collect reports, how do you analyze them, and what indicators should you pay attention to? Forget about revenues and conversion rates for now. The daily report is not about results, but only about the number of actions with your base of potential clients in the last 24 hours: how many calls your team makes, holds meetings and sends emails every day. In this way you will know which managers are working the hardest, and which are outright lazy.
Weekly report
Calls, letters, and meetings are important not by themselves, but as stages of moving the client to the most important thing - the deal. And weekly reporting allows you to assess how employees are working in this direction: how many leads they have moved through the sales funnel, and how many clients they have lost along the way. Analyzing these reports, it is important to understand how many calls led to appointments, and how many commercial offers led to the discussion of purchase details.
Monthly report
Finally, once a month you need to assess long-term sales trends. The monthly report includes the main indicators: the number of new customers, the average check, the amount of revenue and profit. This report will help to understand:
- The structure of the sales funnel;
- Conversion rate;
- the productivity of the team.
This is the best time to debrief. The department meeting should give everyone an opportunity to share their thoughts on successes, failures, problems, and improvements.
How to write reports correctly
A spreadsheet in Excel is only good for generating reports for a tiny company with a couple of dozen clients. A larger business needs special tools. The best possible solution is reports in a CRM system.For example, the program presents reports in the form of clear graphs and charts, which are accompanied by detailed figures.
Top 15 reports that everyone needs
We have compiled a selection of the most popular reports for every businessman
1. Make a report on tasks to see which employees are putting things off and forgetting to run errands. A pie chart will show you who is not taking their work seriously.
2. Find out how many requests each manager received, and draw conclusions. Perhaps the results will be unexpected, and Vasily Petrovich, who is constantly on the phone, is not busy at all with work matters.
3.Display the amounts earned by employees (deals won) in order to estimate each manager's real contribution to the company's profits. Perhaps someone gets more than he or she earns.
4. Look at how many calls each employee has made. Of course, this is not the only indicator of productivity, but the chances of successfully closing a deal are much higher for an active manager.
5. Make a departmental ranking to encourage the best and help those who obviously can't keep up with their colleagues. It is not bad if this report is visible to everyone in the company - isn't that an extra motivation?
Visualize the sales funnel
Any business is a journey from first contact with a client to a successful sale. Or, as it also happens, to losing a deal. Your task is to visualize the sales funnel and figure out the bottlenecks - the stages where you lose a lot of customers.
1. display a report on the number of leads (contacts) for a specific period. This is the real number of potential customers who can bring you profit.
2. Add a report on the number of won deals for the same period. You'll get a clear answer to the question: how many clients did your managers "lead" to a sale. If the number of leads from the previous report is much higher, think about the managers' productivity.
3.Create a report on the distribution of deals by funnel, to find out at what stage customers "get lost", and to optimize the business processes in the company. Perhaps customers are waiting too long for a commercial offer, or are they rejecting services after a visit from a not too polite craftsman?
4.Evaluate the distribution of leads by statuses on a pie chart. If it turns out that there are almost no hot customers, then managers do not reach and can not catch up with the client to the transaction.
5.Compare the effectiveness of two or more funnels to choose the best option. Do your own "investigation": try to sell the same goods and services differently, and use the report to find out which option converts more leads to customers.
Optimize your company budget
The main thing in budget optimization is to reduce the number of expenses as much as possible without suffering damage from such "savings. Unreasonable cost-cutting can lead to lower profits. It's a good time to determine which expenses you can safely discard.
1. Make an overall statement of income and expenditures so that you have a clear picture of the real situation. Things may be worse (or hopefully better) than you think.
2. Evaluate income and expenses by line of business. It may be a good time to emphasize the profitable lines of business and discard those that generate minimal income.
3. Find out the exact accounts receivable of your counterparties. Your income can be really impressive, but if the real money has not yet arrived in your account, it is of little use.
4.Optimize your advertising budget with CRM end-to-end analytics. Start by reporting on the sources of leads and find out which advertising channels are bringing in the maximum number of leads.
5. Don't rush to discard sources that don't bring in too many leads. Check the earnings report for transactions from different sources. It is quite possible that 3 clients from a business conference brought in more money than 50 leads from Yandex.
Monthly, weekly and daily reports in CRM cover all the activities of the sales department - from the actions of each individual employee to macro-trends. By themselves, they can not solve the problems of the company, but they allow you to detect them in time and bring the maximum number of leads to purchase.