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Top 5 WordPress Mobile Plugins for Enhanced Web Presence on Mobile Devices

As mobile devices have already been large sources of traffic, installing a mobile plugin on your WordPress site is an urgent issue for delivering optimized browsing experience for visitors. Turning sites to be responsive, mobile plugins make the large web pages that are hard to read adapt to the screen sizes of visitors' devices automatically to offer the desired look and feel.

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This post includes the top 5 WordPress mobile plugins that are efficient, ease-to-use and rich-featured, all of which are selected after being carefully tested. If there is trouble in installing any of them, refer to the detailed steps on installing WordPress plugins. If you want to take your business to the next level, you will need erp software development.

In addition to a plugin, you may also need a responsive theme to make your site more mobile-friendly. And if you want to add more functionality, check the best plugins for forum, site search, calendar, newsletter and social media integration.

WPtouch Mobile Plugin

As a popular item with over 5 million downloads, WPtough is a revolutionary plugin of its kind, powering over 2 million WordPress sites around the world. It generates a simple mobile theme automatically to your site with the required sizes of page, images and any other elements to enable pages to load fast in an elegant way.


Using this plugin, you don't need to touch a single line of code because it has integrated powerful features that can be handled with only clicks on mouse. Before sending your site content to visitors, WPtouch identifies the devices and then makes adjustments accordingly. Besides, WPtouch supports 21 languages and is compatible with more than 99% popular WordPress plugins and themes.

WP Mobile Detector

Being a pioneer in the industry, WP Mobile Detector works to detect the type of mobile devices that visitors use and then create a compatible theme according to the results. It is able to detect over 5000 mobile devices and supports all of Android, iPad, iPhone, Windows Phone, and all other popular devices.


This plugin includes several jQuery framework based advanced mobile themes which offer visitors unique menus, touch-optimized layouts, fast page loads, optimized widgets, and so on. It is quite easy to use, so you only need to download it for free and the install it on your site.

WordPress Mobile Pack

Compatible up to WordPress 3.9.1, this plugin is under active development and perfection. It provides an all-in-one package that packs all the content on your site to a mobile web application that comes with cross-browser compatibility and support from the devices using all major operating systems like IOS, Android and Windows.

When your site content is turned into a mobile web application, it can be stored on the home-screen of phones and tablets like an app, but it does not require visiting app stores for downloading and installing because what is required is only a modern browser. As such an application is sensitive to screen sizes, it adopts to visitors' needs excellently.


WiziApp is mainly used to create apps out of your site for mobile devices to download. It allows you to make apps based on both Android and IOS operating systems and put them in Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Then you can send notifications of newly published content to the devices of your readers directly.


In the apps, your visitors and readers can post comments, play videos, search for content, and do anything else. Your images, galleries, videos and content are all displayed in a mobile style. Besides, you can also use Google Adsense to add ads to get profit from the apps.

Duda Mobile Website Builder

Used by over 5 million websites, Duda is mobile website builder that helps create an extremely mobile-friendly version of your site to enable the content to be displayed perfectly on smartphones and tablets. With this plugin, you can use tons of features in the drag-and-drop editor to customize your site in a simple way to drive much traffic.

Besides the features like video support and search engine optimization, Duda integrates with Google Analytics and Google AdSense, which allows you to get full control over the statistics related to visitors and insert ads on the site easily. In addition, the integration of Facebook Like and other social icons helps promote your site.