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What is The Difference Between SEO and PPC


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Everyone has their own opinions. Everyone argues for one against the other…But I’m here to tell you SEO is step 1 and PPC is step 2 of the Ideal Marketing Strategy…And the main advice is backlink counter. If you begin with PPC, you’re 99.99% likely to FAIL…WHY? This answer is the right explanation:If you want extreme success. If you want to really make it when it comes to online marketing, you have to move beyond dogmatic views…You have to see the big picture. And this answer will help you do just that, with this 3 part Ideal Marketing Strategy:

1. Crucial Step 1: SEO helps you get in interested prospects.

Thanks to Keyword research tools, you can find the queries people are interested in, TODAY.You can be a pure beginner, someone who has no idea about what Avatar they are targeting, what their positioning is, and yet you can create content and use SEO to rank for attainable keywords…Then, when you begin to receive traffic, you move on to the second crucial step.

2. Crucial Step 2: Use Surveys to understand those prospects.

Your prospects wish to find a solution to their problems. They have needs, desires, fears and wants…And if you try to just guess, you’re likely to fail. So why guess, when you can ask them and get the answers from their own mouths? That’s what you do in the Crucial Step 2: After you attracted the prospects with your SEO content, and provided for them the information they need, give them a Survey to understand their needs and what they want to buy. Then, analyze those answers, and be ready for your PPC campaign.

3. Crucial Step 3: Use PPC to Scale and Become More Profitable.

Most people make a huge mistake when beginning with PPC. It costs them tons of money, of time, of frustration, and it leads to low results…What’s this mistake? They totally forget the customers and their needs rather than making that the sole focus of their marketing… They think PPC is just trying different images, different words, and different random audiences based on the ideas that spring to their minds or inspirations from their lives hoping to “get lucky”…But you’re smarter than that…You’ve used SEO to attract people who are already looking for a solution You used surveys to understand them well, and create a Customer Avatar based on the client’s responses, not your own creative guesses like most struggling marketers do…And now, you use the client’s responses to 5 specific and important questions to create the ideal PPC campaign to attract them…Then, your PPC will be as close to guaranteed to work as humanly possible. Because it’s based on real customer data, not on random inspiration.

That’s it, 3 steps, is all you need:

1. Attract Prospects with SEO.2. Survey Them.3. Use the Survey Results to Create Winning PPC.It doesn’t have to be complicated.And I hope you begin to apply this strategy today because it works…It’s time we stopped the overwhelm and confusion so many people have about marketing, SEO and PPC because it keeps them stuck…And when they’re overwhelmed and stuck, they either procrastinate or do the wrong things.I say NO, to that. Let’s all make it together, help each other, and make this world a better place for our customers, and for each other as marketers. That’s what I work to create every day. That’s my vision.What vision are you working towards?